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Follina, a view from San Clemente


The history of Follina lies in its abbey, a place of spirituality and secular culture, but also in the Via Claudia Augusta Altinate, ancient and well-known roman military road.

storiaFood and Wine

Follina is in one of Italy’s most prized areas in terms of food and wine:  from the products originating from its hills to Prosecco, a combination of unique flavours.

storiaFollina, city of water

Water has always been extremely important for Follina, which has developed around the various watercourses in the area, in the past creating an industrial centre of primary importance.

storiaMusic and Art

In Follina culture is represented above all by music. Over time it has become a place for important concerts, in which international artists perform.

storiaNature and Sport

Sport and nature are an integral part of Follina:  from horse trekking to mountain biking, from cycling to fishing. All immersed in the rare natural beauty of the hills.

storiaWool and Silk

The wool and silk industry in Follina has ancient origins and is still thriving today through local businesses that perpetuate tradition.

storiaGeographical context

Follina is located at the foot of the Belluno Prealps, spread out between hills and watercourses, in a place surrounded by unspoiled natural beauty.


 Misura caratteri

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Useful numbers and addresses

Follina Town Council
Via Martiri Della libertà, 5 – 31051 Follina
T. 0438 9733 – Fax 0438 970008
email: –

Tourist Info Point
Via del Convento, 1
T. +39 0438 970350